Fish and Chip Outing to Shelly Beach
Finally, a clear dry day in Auckland, something that has been a very rare occasion in recent times. We met at the
Albany pub, easily found by most however Derek and Gail drove on past and used about half a tank of petrol finding
their way back. It was great to see some new or near new members too, we hope you continue to join us on future
We got away on time and enjoyed a reasonably leisurely drive along winding back country roads through to
Riverhead and to the planned rest room stop. But roadworks made the stop impossible, the toilets were closed and
so we carried on, in some cases with very tightly crossed legs.
It was an easy drive through to Helensville on back roads and on to our destination at Shelly Beach – although the
road from Helensville was rough and gave the old Morries a bit of a shake.
We were able to park the cars together at the end of the carpark, and, after a quick run to the loo we stopped and
chatted. There was a wait of around an hour for the very tasty fish and chips but, with good company and
conversation the time went quickly.
After we’d finished eating, we wandered back to the cars and carried on talking.
While we were there Derek presented, on behalf of the club, a trophy for the most outings attended last year to Jo
Kasper – well done Jo and thank you for your attendance and hard work – but you really need to buy yourself a
Morris Minor!
We eventually departed after enjoying a very pleasant day.