Along with every car club in Auckland we were invited to attend the open day put on by the North Shore Branch of the Vintage Car Club. Initially meeting at the Datacom Building in the CBD we then moved on to meet the West and Northern club members at the Albany pub (unfortunately not in the pub at 10am).
Also heading to the same destination were the Morris Register who had arranged a very short run through the back of Albany – we were invited to join them so we headed away at around 10.30. We arrived at the VCCNZ to an already large number of cars from other car clubs who also arrived early to see what was on offer besides the coffee.
It was great to be able to wander through the sheds with quite a few restoration projects under way in various states of completion. Other sheds had some lovely completed cars being stored for their owners. The largest shed at the back was the parts shed, rows and racks of every conceivable part for almost every type of classic car – a sort of mini Horopito Motors for those that know where that is.
An enjoyable morning with the advantage of being able to meet friends from other clubs, to see what the VCCNZ club are achieving and then to be home again for lunch – a short but very enjoyable outing.
A special mention to our own Jeremy Cole-Baker who had just purchased a very unusual car shaped like a 1930’s open roadster, had a pointed wooden “tail” and was based on a Morris Minor chassis – a very brave car to take out on a showery day.