
The Morris Minor Car Club of New Zealand Inc 1977 to 1996

The Morris Minor Car Club scene began in New Zealand in 1977, when three men Stan Hunte, Barry Wrightson and Graeme Wrightson decided to form a Car Club for this “little car”, as after investigating, they discovered that none existed in New Zealand . Unknown to them, at the same time, clubs were springing up in various countries around the world. In time of course they came into contact with one another.

So the first Morris Minor Car Club was up and running and in that initial year some 25 people joined

It grew slowly, but in 1981 during a visit from Nick Harding of the Bath Morris Minor Centre, a double page article on the Morris Minor appeared in a Sunday Newspaper which contained a photo of a nude lady atop a Minor (no, not a club member). Well needless to say membership doubled to 60 in a short space of time and peaked at 195 in 1987.

As happens occasionally, the leadership and thus the direction, of a club changes, and as a result, in 1989 a breakaway group of Morris enthusiasts formed another club.

Auckland Morris Minor Enthusiasts Club 1989 to 1996

On Sunday 31st July 1989 the Auckland Morris Enthusiasts Club was born.

Other Clubs were also appearing around New Zealand at this time, but independently of each other.

This club organized a national event in 1990 to raise funds for Telethon and organized the 1993 Convention held in Auckland after becoming an affiliated member of the newly formed NZ Morris Minor Federation.

NZ Morris Minor Federation Inc. 1991 to Present

The idea of a convention was mooted by the Waikato Club (now defunct) and in 1990 the first one was hosted by them. At the second one, the following year, the NZ Morris Minor Federation Inc was born and since then Annual Conventions have been held at Taranaki, Tauranga, Auckland, Wellington, South Canterbury, Rotorua, a 50th Golden Jubilee of the Morris Minor was held at Tatum Park, Otaki and since then further conventions have been held at Nelson, Dunedin, Wanganui, Christchurch, Gisborne, Invercargill, Masterton, Timaru, New Plymouth, Paeroa, Christchurch, and Hamilton.

Usually up to a hundred cars register at these conventions the aim of which is to keep up the standard of the Morris Minor in New Zealand and are held alternatively in the North and South Islands . The Federation at the present time consists of 10 Affiliated Clubs – Auckland , Central Manawatu, Rotorua, Taranaki, Wellington , Top of the South, Canterbury , South Canterbury , Otago and Southland.

Auckland Morris Minor Car Club Inc 1996 to Present

During the early 1990’s the two Auckland Clubs which had split in 1989, were both in decline, a matter of “united we stand divided we fall” and with rapidly falling membership in both Clubs, meetings were held to discuss recombining the membership of the two Clubs.

In May 1996 the Auckland Morris Minor Car Club became an Incorporated Society and the merger was completed and despite some early teething troubles, the new Club has settled down and was able to enter the new Millennium in a much stronger position and hopefully the Morris Minor will survive for another, 50 Years. 


The other reason that we are able to maintain a steady membership is that, while out of town members may not be able to participate in monthly outings, they enjoy keeping up, with what is happening, through our monthly News Connection newsletter.

Auckland Morris Minor Car Club Inc Office Holders

Year to 31 MarPresidentTreasurerSecretaryMembership SecretaryClub CaptainNo.of Members
1997Alison MehaffyRon Murgatroyd–Paul Steffensen-N/A
1998Alison MehaffyDoreen AttwoodAna SquirePaul Steffensen-N/A
1999Alison MehaffyTed DixonAna SquireSteve Moon-79
2000John ChambersTed DixonMartine FremauxSteve Moon-78
2001John ChambersTed DixonMartine FremauxSteve Moon-86
2002John ChambersTed DixonAna SquireTed Dixon-94
2003John ChambersTed DixonAna SquireTed DixonRichard Mason95
2004John ChambersTed DixonAna SquireTed DixonPhil Clements105
2005John ChambersTed DixonAna SquireTed DixonPhil Clements92
2006John ChambersTed DixonJohn WatkinsTed DixonPhil Clements97
2007John ChambersTed DixonJohn WatkinsTed DixonPhil Clements104
2008VacantTed DixonJohn WatkinsTed DixonPhil Clements109
2009John WatkinsTed DixonMary EyreTed DixonPhil Clements103
2010John WatkinsTed DixonMary EyreTed DixonDerek Goddard107
2011John WatkinsTed DixonMary EyreTed DixonDerek Goddard105
2012John WatkinsTed DixonBruce HatrickTed DixonDerek Goddard97
2013Bryan ParkerDerek GoddardLucy Lloyd-BarkerDerek GoddardColin Keesing107
2014Bryan ParkerDerek GoddardPauline KeesingDerek GoddardColin Keesing96
2015Bryan ParkerDerek GoddardPauline KeesingPauline KeesingColin Keesing92
2016Bryan ParkerDerek GoddardPauline KeesingPauline KeesingColin Keesing98
2017Bryan ParkerDerek GoddardPauline KeesingPauline KeesingColin Keesing96
2018Dave JonesDerek GoddardPauline KeesingPauline KeesingCherie Nicholson94
2019Derek GoddardDerek GoddardPauline KeesingPauline KeesingColin Keesing74
2020Derek GoddardDerek GoddardPauline KeesingPauline KeesingColin Keesing60
Derek GoddardDerek GoddardPauline KeesingPauline KeesingPhil Clements59
2022Derek GoddardDerek GoddardPauline KeesingPauline KeesingPhil Clements60
2023Derek GoddardDerek GoddardPauline KeesingPauline KeesingPhil Clements60
2024Derek GoddardDerek GoddardPauline KeesingPauline KeesingBen & Kiri Temewan56


However it is the “small car that embodies big car features”, that will probably outlast us all.